European Industry & Energy Summit 2021
Join industrial and energy leaders at the European Industry & Energy Summit 2021.
December 7th and 8th Rotterdam Ahoy will host Europe’s largest event covering both the industry as well as the power business. In two days more than a dozen keynotes, side events, cases and Energizing talks will update you about future opportunities and threats of the energy transition and climate agreement.
Register for the EIES2021
TNO is contributing with sessions about Industrial transformation and SEWGS
Online broadcast
Make sure you are part of the European energy transition. Register for the European Industry & Energy Summit 2021 on December 7 th and attend TNO’s sessions and talkshow about: Industrial Transformation: the choices to be made and Decarbonizing the industry with capture and utilization.
7th of December 2021
Transforming and making the industry sustainable
11.15 – 11.55
The process industry is facing the biggest transformation since its existence. The road to zero CO2 emissions in 2050 requires emission-free energy sources as well as sustainable raw materials and auxiliary materials. Is the industry opting for biofuels, clean fossil fuels, green hydrogen or electrification of its processes? And do biogenic raw materials relieve the environment? Or do companies prefer circular systems? Every choice has a direct influence on its own assets, but also on the industrial ecosystems that companies are part of.
In such a complex transformation, companies must be able to fall back on knowledge partners who not only know the sustainable alternatives, but who also take system integration into account. During the talk show at the European Industry & Energy Summit 2021, TNO provides insight into the role of knowledge and innovation in industrial transformation. Representatives from research and innovation (TNO), industry (chemistry/steel industry/food) and politics discuss the technical choices and their consequences for industry and society. TNO Host: André Faaij. Guests: Noe van Hulst Hydrogen Advisor International Energy Agency and Gasunie, Tom van Aken Chief Executive Officer at Avantium, Frank Kuipers General Manager Corporate Sustainability at SABIC. More information about TNO’s work on Industrial Transformation: Towards CO2 Neutral industry.
11.55 - 12.00 - Short break
Decarbonizing the industry with revolutionary technology SEWGS including live demonstration pilot plant SSAB in Sweden
12.00 – 12.45
Interactive session and live demonstration SEWGS: from syngas to hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

The SEWGS process is a revolutionary Dutch combination technology that converts synthesis gas into hydrogen and carbon dioxide in one reactor. A solid adsorbent material in the reactor separates the carbon dioxide directly from the hydrogen gas. This combination ensures a more energy-efficient conversion, while the SEWGS technology also removes more CO2 than conventional techniques.
TNO has already successfully tested the functioning of the SEWGS process in practice. In the Stepwise project supported by the European Union, 14 tons of CO2 were captured every day from the Swedish steel producer SSAB. TNO demonstrates online and live the SEWGS pilot set-up at SSAB in Sweden and TNO business developer Soledad van Eijk discusses the opportunities offered by the technology for the steel industry and the refining sector. Read more .
Let yourself be inspired
Accelerated expansion of energy infrastructure needed