TNO Symposium 40 years of solar energy
On Thursday 12 May 2022, the solar community gathered in Petten for the symposium 40 years of Solar Energy. The occasion was the retirement of Wim Sinke, principal scientist solar energy at TNO and professor at the University of Amsterdam.
Keynotes program
- Welcome and opening
Ton de Jong, Managing Director TNO Energy Transition - TNO programme on renewable electricity and the role of solar PV
Harm Jeeninga, Director Market TNO Energy Transition - Shaping Europe’s energy future with photovoltaics
Prof. Marko Topic, University Ljubljana and Chair ETIP-PV - The development of PV in the Netherlands
Wijnand van Hooff, Holland Solar - PV developments in the BENE region
Prof. Jef Poortmans, imec - partner in Solliance - PV research in the Netherlands and how to bring PV industry back to Europe
Prof. Albert Polman, AMOLF - Borderless interfaces in PV
Dr. Ando Kuypers, TNO Eindhoven – partner in Solliance - Hot Innovations in Dutch Solar Parks
Dr. Kay Cesar, TNO Petten - Closing keynote Wim Sinke
Prof. Wim Sinke
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13 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5
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