Forum to Unite Security Experts in 5G
TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen proudly invite you to the first community event of the Forum to Unite Security Experts in 5G (FUSE5G). Our aim is to bring experts from across industry, academia and government together to discuss the state and outlook of mobile network security (4G, 5G and beyond). The event will feature a varied and inspiring array of presenters and there will also be plenty opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow professionals in the field. Registration is now open and we hope to see you there!
- Startdatum:
- Time:
- 10:00 - (CET)
- Location:
TNO Auditorium (Princetonlaan 6, 3584CB Utrecht)
Keynote: Silke Holtmanns, PWC Finland
Security Challenges for our 5G Connected Society
Coffee Break and Poster Session
Talk 1: Adrian Dabrowski, CISPA
MobileAtlas: Geographically Decoupled Measurements in Cellular Networks for Security and Privacy Research
Talk 2: Daan Planqué, Ericsson
OpenRAN Security in 2024
Lunch Break
Talk 3: David Rupprecht: Security Testing in 5G
Challenges and Solutions in 5G Certification
Talk 4: Thomas Attema, TNO
Confidential Computing and Post-Quantum Cryptography for 6G
Coffee Break and Poster Session
A panel of experts will discuss current topics in the context of 5G security and the potential of further community collaboration.
After the panel discussion, there will be some drinks.
For more information visit the FUSE 5G website
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