Solar powered cars
Integrated solar and safety
Sustainable mobility
Sustainable traffic and transport
Energy & Materials Transition

PVinMotion 2023

PVinMotion 2023 grants an opportunity to share your newest discoveries and findings on vehicle-integrated photovoltaics. Take part in this unique scientific conference. Join TNO and industry at the Conference & Exhibition on Solutions for Vehicle Integration.

09:00 (CET)
1931 Congress Center in ‘s-Hertogenbosch & Online
Bonna Newman

‘Vehicle Integrated PV (VIPV) research and industry are at the start of an exciting ride; with unprecedented momentum for technical advances and market growth.’

Bonna Newman

Conference Chair, TNO/Lightyear

PV integrated in cars, trucks, ships, planes and other vehicles is a growing field and innovative industry with new technical challenges and opportunities. It is in this environment, that we announce the second PVinMotion conference dedicated to the scientific research and innovations for realizing the potential of vehicle-integrated PV.

At the 2023 Conference, we look forward to hear progress that has been made on topics such as PV component design, new and promising cell or module technologies, new manufacturing concepts to reduce costs and improve performance, shared knowledge on safety and standardization, and real-world use considerations like shading, market, social acceptance of VIPV technologies.

VIPV is a multi-disciplinary field. The design of the solar components and PV system goes hand-in-hand with the developments in vehicle efficiency, battery performance and charging infrastructure that will enable vehicle (and VIPV) to grid applications. The PVinMotion conference aims to bring together experts from automotive, solar, and batteries and to build a new community with the ambitious goal to accelerate technical advances.

Conference Topics

  • Optimized Cell Interconnection and Cell Topology for Manufacturable Curved VIPV Components | Ashish Binani, TNO

  • Proposed Method for Evaluation of VIPV Systems | Lenneke Slooff - Hoek, TNO

  • Manufacturing High-Yield, Low-Cost, Lightweight VIPV Components | Lars A.G. Okel, TNO

  • Highest-efficiency industrially available solar cells
  • Adaptation of cells (e.g. cell cutting and/or edge passivation, flexibility of cells)
  • Integration of solar cells in the vehicle surface: encapsulation, interconnection, curvature, flexibility and vehicle body integration
  • Materials: lightweight, robust, scratch resistance

  • Innovations in batteries or battery management systems
  • Innovations in electric vehicle efficiency
  • Innovations for auxiliary systems in (commercial) vehicles
  • Autonomous vehicle innovations or other new vehicle uses
  • Vehicle to grid technologies and associated infrastructure

  • Power integration concepts: balance of systems, battery integration
  • Power management for dynamic conditions
  • Power conversion components and technology

  • Safety and durability: failure modes and analysis (e.g. hotspots, crash tests)
  • Standards, certification (e.g. CAFE standards, CO2 emissions)
  • Module Characterization and testing of components
  • Servicing and repair

  • Yield prediction and performance modelling
  • Solar irradiance and real-world validation
  • System optimization
  • Cost analysis of system and components

  • Best-practices of VIPV technologies
  • Equipment and processing (e.g. lamination technology)
  • Integration in the vehicle manufacturing process
  • Automotive manufacturing and technical implementation

  • Design aspects
  • Consumer perception, user behavior and interaction
  • Financing and policy framework
  • CO2 reduction and life cycle analysis (incl. social aspects)
  • Future potential and business cases for VIPV
  • Potential impact on infrastructure developments

PVinMotion 2023 Conference

Early Bird fees are valid until January 27.

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