Safe chemical innovation
Health & Work

Webinar: The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design

Join our webinar "The Future of Chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design," hosted by TNO and VNCI. Learn about TNO's innovative approach, VNCI's vision, and practical insights from companies implementing SSbD.

13:00 - (CET)
Online, language: English

Safe and Sustainable by Design

In our daily lives, we find ourselves surrounded by a myriad of chemicals and materials. New products come with potential risks for both our health and the environment. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that approximately 2 million deaths per year could be related to chemical exposure. TNO is encouraging companies to embrace Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) methods, and advocates collaborating on a Decision Support Approach to effectively balance risks and benefits in the initial product development stages.

Want to learn more?

  • 1 October, TNO and VNCI organise the webinar ’The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design’. The Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI) promotes the collective interests of the chemical industry in the Netherlands.
  • In the webinar, TNO's innovative approach and VNCI’s vision on SSbD will be presented.
  • Companies reflect on how to put Safe and Sustainable by Design in practice and share their experiences.
  • After registration, the webinar can be watched on demand.



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Wouter Fransman, Principal Scientist TNO

SSbD: must have or nice to have?

Michiel will present about the link between the concept of Safe and Sustainable by Design and what is needed to make this applicable for the chemical industry. Including some inspirational examples and a way to start the SSbD journey at your company.

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Michiel van Kuppevelt, Advisor Safe and Sustainable Chemicals, VNCI

TNO’s Safe and Sustainable by Design approach

The presentation will cover TNO’s SSbD approach that allows for transparent decision support, balancing relevant criteria including performance, safety, and sustainability. The stepwise approach will be demonstrated, including a visualization of trade-offs between design choices.


Hedwig Braakhuis, Senior Toxicologist, TNO

SSbD in practice (panel discussion)

  • Chances and advantages
  • Barriers that companies face
  • Learnings from practice

Questions & Answers


The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design

Sign up now for our webinar about the future of chemicals and learn about TNO's innovative approach, VNCI's vision and practical insights from other companies.

Interesting for:

Chemical industry companies, R&D managers, innovation managers, product developers, toxicologists, exposure scientists, sustainability experts, government, policy makers.

Get inspired

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