Towards sustainable HD transport

Heavy road transport, such as trucks, needs to become more sustainable to meet our climate goals and reduce nitrogen emissions. TNO is working on technologies and applications to create tomorrow's sustainable powertrains today and help reaching these goals even faster.

The urgency of more sustainable heavy transport

To meet the 2030 emission targets, we must prioritise alternatives: electric first, then hydrogen, and finally e-fuels. Battery-electric vehicles are highly efficient and should be used wherever possible. However, the projected demand will exceed charging capacity by 2030-2035.

This makes a second alternative essential. Hydrogen is the logical choice for heavy-duty transport, industrial applications, and long-distance operations. Where hydrogen isn’t viable, e-fuels can be used, though their short-term availability and scalability are limited. This is our time to make heavy transport more sustainable.

Creating tomorrow's sustainable powertrains today

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In TNO’s powertrains lab, more than 100 experts work on sustainable mobility and they are truly dedicated to modelling, controlling, and testing powertrains. Together with public and private organisations, we’re working on sustainable transport solutions that will significantly impact the energy transition towards low- or zero-carbon mobility.

Powertrain Performance Assessment Center

Discover our Powertrain Performance Assessment Center, where we can test new fuels on engines and fuel cells.

3 solutions to sustainable transport

A lot is being done here at the lab, including our 3 innovation fields: sustainable combustion engines, fuel cells and battery management.

This is what we do:

  • Development of new engine platforms for sustainable fuels
  • Converting existing engine platforms
  • After-treatment systems – devices that you attach to the engine’s exhaust (catalyst).

And these are our 3 solutions:

Hydrogen Combustion Engines

Existing production lines

Trucks could run on hydrogen in the future, instead of fossil fuels. This would reduce CO2 emissions by more than 99%. The Powertrains Test Centre is a worldclass facility because of the availability of hydrogen, even with high pressure, our extensive experience with Single cylinder platforms and the fact that we have a unique altitude climate chamber facility allowing us to simulate 4000 meters in altitude, and which is perfectly suited for vehicle calibration. We are looking at engines that use only hydrogen and engines that use both hydrogen and another fuel. The beauty of this technology is that we can use existing production lines, it is cheap, it doesn’t matter how pure the hydrogen is, and we don’t need rare materials.

Advanced Battery Management

Knowledge partner in the field of

While building a battery is simple, maximising its performance and lifespan is complex. At TNO, we focus on developing algorithms and knowledge through rigorous testing, helping partners in the heavy-duty sector, manufacturers and OEMs optimise their batteries and get them to market faster. Our main goal is to increase battery performance through software. In the short term, we’re improving battery performance and fast charging. Long-term, we’re focused on extending battery life by developing predictive models through extensive ageing experiments.

Fuel cells

Extending the lifespan of

Our fuel cell and battery projects focus less on the development of batteries and fuel cells themselves but more on system-level problems. At TNO, we are researching how to extend the lifespan of fuel cells for different mobility applications. This is important because they are still expensive. Fuel cells are highly efficient at converting hydrogen into electricity, they are emission-free, and silent. They are also convenient for applications that look for long range and faster refueling and perfectly complement battery technology, diversifying our energy solutions. We are working on the current PEM technology and developing a control platform for the so-called new SOFC technology.

Join our Meet the Expert sessions

Join our Meet the Expert session to discover our latest research and development on Battery Management technology and hydrogen engines, our vision on the future and how collaborations lead to joint improvement. Together towards sustainable HD transport.

TNO_PTC-Battery Management

Battery Management System algorithm development

1 April 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00

Hydrogen engine_TNO_789x442

The hydrogen engine ignites the future and earning power of Europe

17 April 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00

Leading the way with innovation

Our 3 solutions pave the way for transport that is not just sustainable, but also financially viable and beneficial for your competitiveness. If you would like to lead the way and prepare your transport for the future more, contact TNO.

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