Energy systems transition
The implementation and transport of large scale deployment of wind energy to the Dutch energy system requires heavy-duty infrastructure; infrastructure which enables energy companies to deliver electricity where it is most profitable while preventing congestion of the grid. Surpluses in one country can be easily transported to another.

Wind energy system integration
TNO is researching the technologies and markets that will enable the efficient transport, conversion, and storage of energy generated from onshore and offshore wind power.
Our latest developments
17 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5
OESTER project to advance offshore electricity storage
The key to a stable energy system and reduced grid congestion? TNO is working with partners on the development of offshore electricity storage.

Wind energy webinars
Webinar: System transformation in offshore renewable supply

SWITCH tackles the energy issues of the future

SWITCH field lab of TNO and Wageningen University & Research/ACRRES opened