Affordable and sustainable heat
The built environment must be made free of natural gas, as part of the Climate Agreement. Heat grids are one of the solutions. The challenge here is to supply sustainable heat in the existing built environment in a way that is both cost-effective and attractive for residents. In addition, given the major challenge facing the Netherlands, the pace of realisation must be accelerated.
With thirty-eight participants, the WarmingUP collective develops applicable knowledge so that collective heat systems are reliable, sustainable and affordable for the heat transition. Collective heat systems in combination with renewable sources form an important link in the solution to achieve the objectives of the Climate Agreement and reduce CO2 emissions.
System and process innovations are needed for more efficient design, construction and management, and good interaction between the parties. WarmingUP wants to develop these innovations coherently and at a faster pace. Acceleration, scaling up and cooperation throughout the entire heat chain is necessary to realise the heat transition.
Knowledge development
With new knowledge, renewable heat sources with different temperature levels and volumes can be cleverly combined. Knowledge development for the realisation of large-scale heat storage systems and their integration in heat networks is also an intended result. For example, it is being investigated how much, where and at what cost heat can be obtained via aquathermal or geothermal energy. In addition, the collective focuses on the development of new forms of cooperation and financing along with new methods of working to achieve public support.
The challenges
- Scaling up heat demand with collective heat systems from 340,000 homes in 2018 to 1.1 million in 2030.
- Sustainable heat systems using geothermal and aquathermal energy, and heat storage: 70% CO2 reduction in 2030 compared to the average boiler in 2018
- System and process innovations to design, construct and manage heat supply cost-efficiently and coherently: 1,5% efficiency gains per year
Innovation programme
More than 25 programmes have been grouped into six themes.
- Heat grids and system integration
- Large-scale and cost-effective construction of heat networks
- Aquathermal energy
- Geothermal energy
- Large-scale heat storage
- Developing social innovations for sustainable, collective heating networks
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