Social innovation: The social aspects in the energy transition

Social innovation

The energy transition is not just about technology and policies; it's also about people and society. To achieve sustainable and equitable solutions, we must consider how the transition to a cleaner renewable energy impacts everyone.

The role of social factors

While technological innovations and policy frameworks play a crucial role in driving the energy transition, understanding and addressing human behavior, social norms and values, social structures, and cultural values are equally vital.

The way in which individuals, communities, businesses, and governments engage with energy systems and each other is key to a successful transition process.

Insight into the social aspects of the energy transition helps to identify incentives and barriers to adopting new technologies, such as resistance to change, social inequality, and the distribution of costs and benefits.

Additionally, analyzing the social dynamics of energy use, lifestyle changes, and public perceptions is key to ensuring a just and inclusive transition.

TNO’s holistic approach

TNO takes a comprehensive view of the energy transition considering its impact on communities, individuals, and society as a whole. Key areas of our expertise in social science and humanities (SSH) include:

TNO researches public attitudes (among individuals, communities, and businesses) towards and adoption of new technologies, products, and services, especially in energy and sustainability, and develops strategies for fostering acceptance and trust.

Public perception of wind turbine circularity

TNO investigates how the Dutch think about the circularity of wind turbines and turbine blades. To what extent are the Dutch aware of and supportive of circular solutions?

One of the findings was that 9 out of 10 respondents consider it important to develop good solutions for turbine blades at the end of their lifespan. Only 8% are satisfied with the current approach to these blades.

Citizen participation in the energy transition

TNO developed methods to actively involve citizens in the energy transition. This includes creating platforms for resident participation and providing municipalities with tools to engage their communities effectively.

TNO researched how to make sustainable energy solutions accessible and affordable to all, particularly vulnerable households. This involves developing strategies to support these households and prevent energy poverty.

TNO researched how individual and collective behaviours impact energy demand and consumption, identifying drivers and barriers to living without gas. This research helps develop policies that encourage sustainable lifestyles and address the factors influencing energy use.

TNO contributed to the design of methods and tools that ensure the active involvement of citizens in the energy transition. This research promotes trust, acceptance, and inclusive policies for a fair and sustainable energy future.

TNO analysed alternative economic concepts that align with the energy transition and broader environmental goals, exploring new economic models that support sustainable growth and address the challenges of a post-growth economy.

International projects

TNO is involved in several international projects that aim to create greener, smarter, and more inclusive communities:

POCITYF aims to transform historical cities into greener, smarter, and more liveable spaces while preserving cultural heritage. TNO contributes by enhancing community engagement through design-based value creation.

Enershare is developing the first Common European Energy Data Space to integrate energy and data value chains. TNO plays a key role in designing the data exchange architecture.

Communitas focuses on creating inclusive and sustainable urban communities through innovative social and technological solutions. TNO is involved in developing tools for citizens' active participation in energy markets.

U2DEMO promotes energy democratization through open-source peer-to-peer energy sharing platforms. TNO contributes to the development and testing of these platforms.

Multifutures explores alternative economic paradigms to foster sustainable societies. TNO supports the development of transition scenarios for a resilient and fair Europe.

GearSME addresses the untapped potential of energy efficiency in SMEs. TNO leads the project, supporting local "Trusted Partners" to bridge the gap between SMEs and energy service suppliers.

Making City demonstrates the transformation of urban energy systems towards smart and low-carbon cities. TNO helps develop models and instruments to support policymakers in making informed decisions.

New projects starting in 2025

TNO continues to innovate with new projects aimed at advancing sustainable energy practices:

NEW PACE aims to advance sustainable energy practices through innovative solutions and community engagement. TNO's role is to develop strategies for enhancing energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption.

This project aims to foster international collaboration on environmental and energy-related initiatives, focusing on creating synergies between various stakeholders.

EmpowerED focuses on empowering communities through education and engagement in the energy transition. TNO contributes by developing innovative educational programs and tools.

Changeable investigates behavioral insights for climate policy, aiming to develop strategies that encourage sustainable behaviors. TNO's role includes researching effective ways to influence public attitudes towards climate-friendly practices.

Other interesting research

TNO also leads various research initiatives to address energy-related challenges:

GO-e aims to provide flexibility services for consumers, enhancing the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid. TNO is involved in developing innovative solutions for managing energy demand and supply.

This program addresses energy poverty by developing strategies to prevent it and support vulnerable households. TNO's role is to ensure equitable access to affordable and sustainable energy.

This research project analyzes the carbon footprint of different population segments. TNO provides insights into the environmental impact of various lifestyles.

New Economies explores the impact of economic future scenarios on sustainability. TNO develops innovative economic models that support sustainable growth.

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