Optical Light Microscope
- Category:
- To be determined
- Brand:
- Reichert
- Type:
- MeF4M

The optical light microscope MeF4M is used for examination of flat surfaces and for examination of materiallographic and metallographic sections. This research into the microstructure of materials.
In addition, using the connected image analysis system, it is possible to quantitatively characterise any image with sufficient contrast.
An optical light macroscope is connected to the same system. This provides a magnification range of 3-1500x. The lateral resolution is up to about 0.5µm.
Optical microscopy/macroscopy and SEM, Scanning Electron Microscope are complementary techniques used in combination.
Technical details
magnifications 20 to 1500x
resolution up to 0.5µm
Sample size: basically unlimited in width, length and height
Sample weight up to a maximum of 5kg.
Olympus PRECiV image analysis system: area (volume) measurement, length and width measurements, image processing, stitching of images, EFI (Extended Focus Imaging) for a sharp image over the entire height of a sample.
Bright field
Dark field
Nomarski Interference contrast
Polarised light
Additional techniques
SEM, scanning electron microscopy
Optical Macroscopy
Failure analysis
Corrosion survey
Wear, tribological examination
Characterisation of various cross-sections and surfaces:
Solar cell development
Fractography and Fracture Surface Investigation
Crack examination, crack progression
Microstructures of materials