Polishing machine
- Category:
- Material processing equipment
- Brand:
- Struers
- Type:
- LaboPol-30 + Laboforce-100

Grinding and polishing machine with variable speed and force. Polishing can be done manually, or a sample can be mounted with the LaboForce and polished with a fixed force and speed. There are many options for sandpaper, polishing cloths, or other polishing media. This allows us to polish hard materials such as ceramics and tungsten, but also softer materials like copper or polymers.
Technical details
The Labopol-30 has a variable speed of 50-500 rpm. The LaboForce can operate over this (possibly in the opposite direction) at 50-150 rpm with a force of 10-300 N.
Additional techniques
After polishing, materials are often further analyzed using optical microscopy, electron microscopy, or Vickers hardness testing.
Grinding and polishing objects for further analysis.