This is our time: Medical wearables for affordable healthcare

A shortage of 155,000 healthcare workers by 2032 is looming. It is therefore essential that we embrace innovative technologies that can replace routine work. For example, the medical wearables from TNO's spin-off company AIKON Health: 24/7 remote patient monitoring that keeps our healthcare available and affordable.

Our impact

Medical wearables for affordable healthcare

‘‘Around the world, 1 billion people are using wearables, such as a smart watch or smart glucose meter. TNO is in the vanguard when it comes to developing new technologies that make managing health easier.’’ Nina Haring, Scientist at TNO.

How time setter Shavini works on a smart 'skin' that monitors your health

‘‘In our work on wearables, we focus on how to collect information suitable for the hospital: breathing, temperature, oxygen, and heart function. Digital health tools can help provide insight into the healing process.’’ Shavini Stuart-Wijesuriya, Researcher wearables at TNO.

TNO spin-off AIKON Health eases the healthcare burden of heart failure

‘‘Over half of all heart failure patients are readmitted to the hospital within four months of initial discharge. Our goal is to reduce the number of early readmissions by 25%.’’ Thiru Kanagasabapathi, CEO, AIKON Health.